Sunday, May 27, 2007


Forgiveness, what a hard word to say and act upon. But come to think of it, if we look at it as breathing in and breathing out, it becomes automatic. As much as breathing makes us continue on living, forgiving also give us zest to continue with our lives and move forward.

Friday, May 18, 2007

Starting Again

I'm set to start a new job next Monday. I'm sad because I'm leaving behind some friends, I'll surely miss them.

Sunday, May 13, 2007

Doing It With Much More Love

At times when we feel that whenever we fail and become a dissapointment we no longer deserve the attention and love. But did you know that there are people out 
there who willingly loves you nonetheless.

J  - in spite of sorrow, you shared Joy
P - in spite of chaos, a calming Peace unfolded
P - in spite of frustrations, Patience endured
K - in spite of cruelty, Kindness was bestowed
G - in spite of wickedness, Goodness gracefully giv'n
F - in spite of betrayal, Faithfulness committed
G - in spite of harshness, Gentleness witnessed
S - in spite of conceit, Self-control prevailed

L-O-V-E spelled differently yet expressed from core to core,
revealing its true meaning.


Thursday, May 10, 2007

Were It Not For Grace

There is this song that described the losing battle of finding one's own salvation.

by Larnelle Harris

Time measured out my days
Life carried me along
In my soul I yearned to follow God
But knew Id never be so strong
I looked hard at this world
To learn how heaven could be gained
Just to end where I began
Where human effort is all in vain

Were it not for grace
I can tell you where I'd be
Wandering down some pointless road to nowhere
With my salvation up to me
I know how that would go
The battles I would face
Forever running but losing this race
Were it not for grace

So here is all my praise
Expressed with all my heart
Offered to the Friend who took my place
And ran a course I could not start
And when He saw in full
Just how much His would cost
He still went the final mile between me and heaven
So I would not be lost

Forever running but losing this race
Were it not for grace

Sunday, May 6, 2007

The Unchanging One

Change, there's nothing permanent in this world. What you've heard, what you've seen a moment ago are now gone in a mere second or so. We love to gather these snapshots of time, of sounds and of colors -- all of them hewn together as memories. A son's first step, the first word he blabbered away, firsts that can never be matched by seconds and thirds. We can all piece them together in our memories. These are our source of joy. The family is our source of joy, much the same with our brothers and sisters in the family of God. They remain the same whatever time and place they may be. They are treasured and held close to our hearts.

But there are times that we truly miss them. To receive consoling word and a comforting hug -these are some of the few kind gestures missed from our beloved friends, pastors, and missionary families. Oh how we wish they were with us during those times of grief and trials.

The steps of the believer are steeped in constant change. Fingers are painfully peeled away from the security of sameness one at a time. Again and again. Great wisdom lies in freeing our fellow sojourners…cherished though they are. With hands freshly loosed we find liberty to embrace the One who will never change, and courage to release to Him those who ever will.

Ethics of Love

If we keep on hiding or pretending that a particular problem doesn’t exist, the problem will keep hounding us. So what we shall do when we face our enemies or opponents. I've read from somewhere a step-by-step action in handling our 'opponents':

1. Take a stand
2. Explain your position to your 'opponent'
3. Give up your 'opponent' to God
4. If attacked, be prepared to love your 'enemy'
5. keep working on 'your own' problems

The writer of the above step-by-step-action said that "loving one’s enemy when attacked means not only resisting evil and turning the other cheek. The true ethics of love does come from God. God calls us to love our neighbor as much as we love ourselves."

Hard to imagine isn't it? It seems to be much harder to act upon it. At times it would be better to stay away from our enemies, a safe distance so to speak. But at other times it is not possible because both share the same space. It's hard and nobody says it is easy. To remain close and do good things to one's 'enemy' may sound odd, nontheless praying for them. I myself is in such an uncomfortable position nowadays. I hope things will get better soon.

Rushing To Rescue the Lost Child

I've strayed away. I was ashamed and I thought I've lost my way. 
But I'm His child and I can't erase that from my Father's heart.

        "Although God Himself is never rushed to perform
         His will on earth, there is one thing He does rush to.
         He rushes to the aid of His children. Often He does
         not intervene, however, until the lost child cries out
         for help. He rushes to answer the appeals for mercy
         from those who have walked their own way and
         suddenly find themselves trapped in their own snares.
         He is not willing that we should perish, but He waits
         for us to use our wills to turn to Him."
                                         - Shawn Craig, Between Sundays

Friday, May 4, 2007

Retracing My Steps

Have you ever seen a toddler walking? With all his might
he tries to muster a very short distance - from his mother's legs
up to the legs of the dining table. How I wish I have that certainty
of purpose - wobbly small steps yet full of determination.

"Let the children come to me, do not stop them, because the
Kingdom of Heaven belongs to such as these" (Matt. 19:14).

Just a few steps Lord
Small steps moving towards You
Though weak and unsure
I look forward to reach You

Gently You lift me up
You wipe away my tears
Giving me back
all the sense of being...your child

Yes, I remember now
I am a child of God
That's where all my steps had began
I am Your child